(+57-4) 448 40 27 contacto@cieslop.com


CI ESLOP is a company committed to ethics and legality in its operations; noted for its good practices of compliance and transparency; so we always act in line with our values and principles, which are developed in our transparency and business ethics program, from which we seek to promote a culture of corruption and bribery risk management.

Ethical Reporting Channels

In it’s preventive approach, CI ESLOP provides different communication channels through which internal and external counterparts can report conduct that is contrary to the transparency policy.

What can be reported?

  • Sexual or labor harassment.
  • Activities, business or operations contrary to the law.
  • Suspected money laundering, drug trafficking, terrorist financing, fraud, bribery, corruption, financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction or any other illegal act, business or operation contrary to law.
  • Misuse of confidential information.
  • Appropriation, damage or misuse of CI ESLOP SAS assets.
  • Improper handling of contracts, operations or projects of CI ESLOP SAS.
  • Use of commercial practices that affect the interests of the Company.
  • Commercial, labor, economic, legal or technical matters involving conflicts of interest.
  • Practices considered abusive, improper or corrupt.
  • Accepting gifts, favors or payments that may influence business decisions and operations, for the direct or indirect benefit of third parties.
  • Possible violation of human rights.

Remember that CI ESLOP will always protect the reporter.

Our Channels

The channels for reporting are:

  • E-mail: lineaetica@eslop.co
  • Ethics and Transparency Hotline: 01 8000 413560
  • Email to the compliance officer: oficialdecumplimiento@eslop.co

Learn more about our policy and report form

Formulario de reportes de casos Acoso, Corrupción y Fraude

Política de cumplimiento y compromiso de la alta dirección

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