(+57-4) 448 40 27 contacto@cieslop.com

Success is Accompanied by Great Responsibility

Our Social Management

The reason for our existence is to convert an ancestral treasure into well-being for people.

We are deeply committed to developing our business around sustainable practices and actions.  We know the needs of the regions where we are present, which leads us to focus our attention on the communities and be the engine of well-being for vulnerable areas of the mining region.

C.I. ESLOP is inclusive, supporting initiatives that contribute to the well-being of communities by improving the quality of life of vulnerable populations, ethnic groups, miners and their families.

We have projects focused on strengthening the mining vocation seeking to support the regularization of subsistence miners and small miners for inclusion in formal markets and improving production capacity.  At the same time, we promote the development of productive chains, taking advantage of the capacities and talents of the population involved in the mining sector through the creation and materialization of sustainable enterprises.

The link to programs promoted by the public sector that can directly impact the sector is relevant for C.I. ESLOP; we actively participate in public investment projects, we are linked to the Works for Taxes Program which we finance and execute directly in a fast and efficient way; we are part of programs focused on achieving a transparent mining in all the links of the gold commercialization chain (with all of the Law).

Our Environmental Management

C.I. ESLOP is committed to gradually introduce environmental criteria in its activities, in order to ensure that the work carried out in the different areas of the organization take into account these factors as well as the people who are part of the supply chain of which we are a part.

Corporate commitment, implementing actions focused on:

– Circular economy: Reduce, reuse, recycle waste generated in the company.

– Management for the adequate use of water and efficient use of energy.

– Good practices for pollution control and environmental preservation.

Supplier Commitment:

We ensure the proper environmental management of our suppliers, aware of the impact that is generated by the activity, a principle that governs us is ZERO MERCURY, for which we developed guidelines which must be met to achieve the linkage and permanence in the company.

NO USE OF MERCURY, as a fundamental principle of the environmental actions of C.I. ESLOP is stipulated that none of our suppliers shall implement MERCURY in their benefit process, we verify the place of extraction and the Beneficiation Plant, in order to verify the entire process by which the final product is achieved.


C.I. ESLOP advances actions and initiatives that contribute to the mitigation of the environmental impacts generated by mining exploitation; we are aware that sustainable environmental development is the responsibility of all the actors that belong to the supply chain and commercialization of metals; therefore through the execution of environmental programs and projects in favor of the conservation, preservation and recovery of the territories affected by mining intervention we contribute to the renewal of natural resources and the environment.

Our Collaborators

C.I. ESLOP is a family, since we are interested in getting to know our personnel and getting involved in their life project, we enjoy a good work environment and our team feels identified with the corporate values, the interest to innovate and our focus on formalizing the sector and helping the communities to improve their quality of life and obtain benefits not only in the mining sector but also financially.

We are characterized by thinking about the welfare of our employees, that is why we enhance their capabilities through professional development and academic training, we provide growth opportunities within the organization, welfare plans and support in fulfilling personal and family dreams through internal financing plans.

Works by Taxes




Construcción Alcantarillado Km7 de Quibdó.

Acta de Aceptación de la Oferta                                                     Download         02-09-2021

Informe Evaluación Requisitos Ponderables                                  Download         01-09-2021

Informe Definitivo Requisitos Habilitantes                                     Download         30-08-2021


Informe Requisitos Habilitantes                                                       Download         27-08-2021


Acta de Audiencia de Cierre                                                             Download         23-08-2021


Comunicado audiencia de cierre                                                       Download         20-08-2021


Adenda 1                                                                                             Download         18-08-2021


Respuestas a observaciones                                                             Download         18-08-2021


Términos de Referencia                                                                    Download      12-08-2021


Anexo 1 Matriz de Riesgos                                                                Download      12-08-2021


Anexo 2 Formato de Declaración Conflicto                                      Download      12-08-2021


Anexo 3 Modelo Carta de Presentación                                            Download      12-08-2021


Anexo 4 Modelo Pago Parafiscales                                                    Download      12-08-2021


Anexo 5 Autorización Para el Tratamiento de Datos                      Download      12-08-2021


Anexo 6 Declaración de Prevención LAFT                                        Download      12-08-2021


Anexo 7 Certificación de Prevención LAFT                                      Download     12-08-2021


Anexo 8 Experiencia Mínima                                                              Download     12-08-2021


Anexo 9 Experiencia Adicional                                                          Download     12-08-2021


Anexo 10 Personal Mínimo Requerido                                              Download     12-08-2021


Anexo 11 Oferta Económica                                                              Download     12-08-2021


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